Friday, May 8, 2015

A Chapter In Life

         In registering for classes for this semester I never thought I would have chosen this English 102 class with Professor Brady and was a bit iffy about it. I made the decision of choosing this class because it was what fit well into my schedule. When I first started this class I thought there was going to be so much work and that it would be horrible. I was wrong though, because Professor Brady explains things well and makes life so much easier with these assignments. I have to admit, there was a lot of work to do but it was all worth it in the end.
         Since beginning this class with Professor Brady a bit has changed with my perception and writing. My creativity did not change much but my use of mechanics did a bit. I learned how to properly compare and contrast works of literature and with all of the reading I have done, I have also become better at understanding literature. I am now also able to think more clearly when it comes for brainstorming for outlines and such.
         One thing that I enjoyed about this class were the fishbowls we did. For those who may not know a fishbowl was when the whole class formed a circle with their desks and had a discussion. In these fishbowls we would discus our current assignments, new topics, ideas, we would give opinions to each other and have group presentations. It was a time when the whole class bonded and got to know each other better. These fishbowls were how I learned the names of almost everybody in my class.
         In leaving this class there is honestly not much that I will be taking from it. The only thing that I would say is to my benefit is being able to write a bit more professionally and organized. In about five years from now I would be two years graduated from college and one of my fathers project managers and engineer for his business.

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